Hey folks,
what they say on TV is true: winter is actually coming. After a very short and kinda shitty summer, winter’s waiting around every fucking corner and there’s nothing we, you or even Angela Merkel can do about it. But we certainly won’t go quietly into that cold night: on October 16, 2016, Adidas and Bonkers join forces to show Jack Frost, that old grumpy fucker, who’s really in charge of the city. Let’s have one last Indian Summer day before Fall draws its dying breath.
Here’s what’s gonna happen: Meet us at the Hauptwache around 2 PM. We will hold a best trick session, give away free Adidas stuff (Christmas is early this year, kids!) and have a good ol’ nightly filming session. The German Adidas team – including, but not limited to, Kai Hillebrand, Lem Villemin and Daniel Ledermann – will team up with Frankfurt locals to give Fall its funeral cortege. See you there!