Introducing UMA Landsleds

Introducing UMA Landsleds

Evan “Starheadbody” Smith, known far and wide for mind-melting tricks and exquisite head of curls, just launched UMA Landsleds, a brand-new skateboarding company specializing in decks and apparel. He didn’t do it all by himself, though; visual artist and skateboarding filmer Thomas Campbell came to Evan’s aid as the brand’s creative and art director. The incumbent’s affinity for colorful graphics shows in UMA’s inaugural set of decks: occupying the opposite end of the deviant and cynical illustrations we’ve come so used to in skateboarding, Campbell’s designs emanate a thoroughly positive, even friendly attitude. It’s quite endearing. So much so, actually, that it puts even us chronically ill-tempered pricks into a good mood. Naturally, UMA Landsleds (landsled, by the way, is a hilariously exaggerated way of saying “skateboard”) has a small team consisting of three skaters: Maité Steenhoudt, Cody Chapman, and the maestro himself, Evan Smith. UMA Landsleds, according to Campbell’s own words, reminds the art director that he’s grateful for not being a tennis player. We second that. How the fuck are you supposed to play tennis with a skateboard anyway? You can buy UMA Landsleds at our web shop and our store in Frankfurt.

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