Luckily, there are still renegades like Leon Karssen. His new collection provides you with a look into the artist’s weird mind: cats butt-fuck other cats on skateboards, cats sneaking up on other cats with knives, etc. The graphics itself are reminiscent of Keith Haring – if you imagined Haring getting fucked by Internet meme Dolan with a skateboard. Karssen’s art is flipping the bird to your average mall-brand and the watered-down image of skateboarding: in times when the nouveau-riche go skateboarding with their little shitty brats, fully clad in protective gear, claiming your local skate park Kingdom of The Royal Fuckwads, then, deep down, you know you need people like Karssen. People who hate longboarders from the bottom of their black hearts. People who keep skateboarding culture raw, untamed. People who eat scooter kids for breakfast.

And guess what – now you can express your following to the Cult of Fuck You, It’s Skateboarding! So rejoice, young disciples, for Karssen’s work is new and subversive, a mirror of the perversions of our boring times, of the Internet’s infatuation with cute cats, and a thankworthy reckoning with that sterile skateboarding that is so abundant these days. Join the cult today, both in store and online at Bonkers.