Adidas Skateboarding just released a neat little video covering their pro team riders taking it to the streets of New York City. Many of Adidas’ most prolific skaters make an appearance: Silas Baxter-Neal, Rodrigo TX, Mark Suciu, Dennis Busenitz, Lem Villemin, Pete Eldridge, and even skateboarding dinosaur Mark Gonzales, to name a few. Broadway Bullet also introduces young guns Nora Vasconcellos and Frankie Spears to the echelon of pro riders. The video showcases the harsh conditions of NYC street skating defined by shitty flat ground and overzealous security personnel, Mr. Gonzales never-ending shenanigans, and what is already a hot contender for the Best Switch Heelflip of the Year 2017 award (hint: Tyshawn Jones). On a side note, the soundtrack also doesn’t suck, which is something you’ll have to be grateful for these days. Enjoy.
Adidas Skateboarding: Broadway Bullet