Baker Skateboards is like a crazy hobo uncle nobody in the family wants to openly acknowledge but who, upon showing up uninvited at reunions, is nonetheless appreciated for his antics and general weirdness. The kids love him, and the adults wish they’d be more like him. When he’s cannonballing into the pool, naked, a bottle of 40 in his one hand, dick in the other, everyone laughs and says to themselves “Well, ol’ Pete sure is entertaining. Didn’t know he was still alive, though.” Baker Skateboards, founded by Andrew “The Boss” Reynolds in 2000, is kinda like that, with one exception: everyone at Baker is fucking weird. Just look at Dustin Dollin in Baker’s seminal video “2G” or Byran Herman’s ender part in “Baker 3” – they’re absolutely insane. Back in the early noughties, basically everyone at Baker was a weird uncle Pete: always piss-drunk, high on whatever, and causing (admittedly amusing) mayhem everywhere they went. We loved Baker when we were kids because they didn’t give a shit, and we continue to be fond of them for the very same reason today. Many of today’s brands think they’re being provocative, for whatever reason, but Baker is the real lunatic’s brand of choice. When someone asks you why you’re into skateboarding, just show ‘em a clip of any Baker video. You can buy Baker Skateboards from now on both at our web shop and at our store in Frankfurt.