If you’ve ever bought a skateboard deck, a pair of trucks, or a set of wheels in a skate shop, chances are you’ve unknowingly done business with Deluxe Distribution (DLXSF). The company, founded by Brian Ware in the late 1980s as a distribution for Beweare Records, distributes key assets in the skateboarding industry: Real Skateboards, Krooked, Anti Hero, Thunder Trucks, Venture Trucks and Spitfire Wheels. Still operating out of the SF Bay Area, DLXSF has always been one of the most important distributions for skate shops all over the globe, offering brands that are almost as old as DLXSF itself and that belong to the most coveted companies on the market. While DLXSF is a private company, it is deeply rooted in the skateboarding community. For instance, DLXSF offers the Grants Fund, a reward system for skateboarders building or expanding upon their DIY spots, so they don’t have to rely on government decisions and city planners when it comes to create their own biotope. At Bonkers, we offer you a great selection of DLXSF distributed products, so check out our online shop or come down to our store in Frankfurt for your next skateboarding-related acquisition.