Fucking Awesome Spring 18

Fucking Awesome Spring 18

In the recently released video game Far Cry 5, you fight Christian doomsday cultists that have taken control over fictional Hope county, Montana. Being the buzzkills they are, the cultists constantly blather about the end of the world – until you hit them in the face with a shovel. It’s pretty fucking insane, but this ain’t a game review, so let’s get to the point. For all intents and purposes, the mad, Bible verse touting holy rollers from the new Far Cry would probably love Fucking Awesome’s new collection, seeing as it’s probably the most pessimistic and cynical the brand has put out so far. There are t-shirts featuring plane crashes and what looks like a less-than subtle reference to the Chemtrail conspiracy theory, and there’s a graphic showing a young Jason Dill foaming at the mouth, his eyes rolled back, and “DON’T DO DRUGS” stamped across his forehead. There are graphics that resemble feverish dreams more than anything, with frogs in suits and crosshairs hovering above brains. And then there’s the shattered bottle simply named “fucked up” a two-word summary of the state of the world. We kind of understand were they’re coming from, though: this is a world of conspiracy theories, of disasters both man-made and natural, of tragedies both global and personal, of drug abuse, and consumerism. We love the stories about the end of times, and we take joy in conjuring up the apocalypse in art, in movies, and in songs. Maybe we don’t literally want this world to end, but we sure like thinking about how it would all go down. This is why we enjoy games like Far Cry 5 and movies like Mad Max. It’s also why Fucking Awesome’s strongest, most appealing collections are also its most pessimistic yet self-aware and ironic ones. You can buy the new FA collection both at our web store and at our shop in Frankfurt. Or you can just let it go. Like John Keyes said: in the long run, we’re all dead.

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